Belgium Master Series and Belgium Performance Ranking officially launched

The Backgammon Master Series Belgium BMS(BE) announces the start of two initiatives: the Belgium Master Series (BMS) and the Belgium Performance Ranking (BPR).

Please see the BMS(BE) page for more information.

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Rating update November 15: higher and higher…

The butcher from Bruges has struck again: 1854.13 is Belgium’s current backgammon rating. Michel or machine? Lucky Lamote? Hopefully he’ll tell us some of his tricks during the lunch lecture at the 7th Leuven Open. Or has he been bitten by the BMS(BE) virus? Even so, my mother always instructed me not to indulge in bragging.

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Brugge BC wins the 4 Cubes 2015

Although losing to Ghent 5-4, Brugge was able to take the Four Cubes home.  Losing to Ghent meant that three clubs were tied at first place with 3 encounters won and one lost. To break the tie, the ancient Four Cubes codex had to be consulted.  It revealed that in this case, the number of matches won in the 3 encounters between the equally ranked teams would break the tie.  Brugge, who won 9-0 to Brussels and lost 4-5 to Ghent, ended up with 13 matches won, 4 more than Gent and 8 more than Brussels.

Ghent was seriously handicapped by the absence of Bert Van Kerckhove (the Scourge of the Lowlands).  However, the team was led by a highly motivated Geert Van der Stricht, who set the example by winning his three matches (best score of the evening with 3/3).  Johan Huyck and Robin Bilderbeek both won one match and sadly lost one each through clock violation.  Johan, who was leading 6-4 against Guy and in the process of bearing in against a 4-point anchor, somehow forgot to keep track of his remaining seconds and lost on time.  The same happened to Robin, who had brutally gambled on a 4-cube at 3-away 4-away against Michel Lamote,  suddenly had real winning chances, but also allowed the time flag to drop on him.  These two points proved to be extremely valuable to Brugge, who might otherwise have lost 7-2… What a thrill!

Brugge appeared in their strongest formation, with Guy Van Middelem and Paul Van Dijke completing the team led by captain Michel (2/3 on the night). Although probably the strongest club team in Belgium, Brugge looks quite vulnerable with only three players available for the team.  Gent and Brussels appear to be the strongest challengers for the 2016 Four Cubes contest, with more players of Advanced level ready to complete the team.

Thanks to all teams and players for competing well in this prestigious competition.




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4 Cubes 2015: Deciding match Gent – Brugge tonight

Tonight, the last encounter in the 4 Cubes 2015 tournament takes place, Gent vs Brugge. If Brugge wins, then it will have won all encounters and it will become “Belgium’s Best Backgammon Club 2015”. If Gent wins, then there will be three teams with three encounters won and one lost: Brugge, Brussels, and Gent. In that case, the triple tie will be broken according to Article 6 in the rules (page 6 in the tournament book). The result depends on the number of matches won: If Gent wins 5-4 or 6-3, it’s still Brugge who will be champion. However, if Gent wins 7-2 or more, then Gent will be the final winner.

Good luck to both teams!

The 4 Cubes 2015 referee committee

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BMS Belgium successfully launched.

(BMS : Backgammon Master Series)

As I mentioned in a previous article (Bragging Rights), the idea to record matches and use the achieved PR’s to list players according to playing strength comes from Rick Janowski. He founded the BMAB some years ago and this body has now gained recognition all over the world.  I suggest you visit their website to learn more:

On the most recent International Ranking List (November 2015) the two Japanese top players Mochi and Michi occupy spots 1 and 2 with amazing PRs of 2,85 and 2,95 respectively.  They are followed by 17 players, mostly Americans and Danes, who can boast PRs below 4.  Here is the current Top 10 (click on the table to enlarge):

ranking list

I met Rick a couple of weeks ago in England and he very much supported our idea to set up a similar initiative in Belgium.  By inviting (challenging?) players to play predesignated head-to-head encounters (called Series), record their matches and submit the XG-files, it is hoped that players will find an incentive to focus more on improving their game rather than on winning.

To take the bull by the horns, Geert Van der Stricht and I started a pilot series of 10 matches of 11 points (abbr. 10 x 11) when we got back from Budapest.  We called it Autumn Series (AS).  Our example was followed by Maurits Pino and Zsolt Tasnadi (AS 10 x 9) and by Bert Van Kerckhove and Robin Bilderbeek (AS 10 x 7).  Maurits and Zsolt play one 9-point match every week and Bert and Robin play one or two 7-point matches at the weekly club evening in Gent.

Geert and I wrapped up our AS last Tuesday.  We did not really care who won and who lost, but focused mainly on playing as well as we could, i.e. on making the decisions that maximised our winning chances. Winning was not completely irrelevant of course (there are after all ranking points and 15€ at stake…), so a bluff double or a slight adjustment in a no-skill position was sometimes considered.  We filmed all 10 matches and saved the XG-files in a separate folder.  An average PR was then calculated taking the number of decisions into account (we do this conform the regulations stipulated by BMAB).  Here are the results:


Michel LAMOTE (wins 7-3/ 1583 decisions)

Geert beter

Geert VAN DER STRICHT (loses 3-7/ 1524 decisions)

Although both of us were disappointed by our PRs (we would like to think that we play around 4,6 or so), we evaluate the overall experience as quite positive.  For one, it shows that we may have a slightly inflated idea of what our true playing strength is.  True, we both played some high-standard matches with PRs around or below 3, but these excellent performances were uncomfortably counter-balanced by maverick results like 8 or 10 PR. These were of course matches where complex positions came up and our skills were insufficient to cope with the challenges posed. Still, amidst the blunders and serious miscalculations, there was a lot to be satisfied about.  Seriously reviewing our matches also showed where we got it right.  This is a valuable learning experience.  Determined to improve our aggreagte PRs, we will now start a Winter Series on Tuesday 24 November (WS 10 x 15).  Walter Meuwis and Ronny Conaert will take up the gauntlet and also start a Series early December.

So, why not play a Series yourself? Just provide the necessary information (opponent, number of matches, match length, time-frame) to BMS(BE) (, adhere to the Conditions of Play, and you can get going.  All you need is your laptop, a simple webcam (Logitech) and a cam-stand.  At the Leuven Open on Sunday 29 November, you will be able to see several recording kits in use.  If you want one hand-made, contact Robin Bilderbeek ( for more info.  He makes beautifully crafted wooden cam-stands for 50€ or so.

At the recent Brussels Friendly Day and BF55 we saw Johan Seghers transcribing his matches live on a tablet and some of you may have seen Paul Van Dijke transcribe his matches manually.  For BMAB, these matches would not be taken into consideration since all videos need to be uploaded on YouTube.  For BMS(BE), however, matches transcribed in this fashion may be submitted, but PRs can only be validated after discretionary approval by BMS(BE).

Below is the BMS(BE)  Grading Table of 15 November 2015.   Results achieved in international BMAB events are of course incorporated (click on the table to enlarge):

BMS(BE) Grading Table









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Rating update November 8: one record and two ladies

Winning four 5-point matches in a row at the Brussels Friendly 55 tournament on November 6 was sufficient for Michel Lamote to push the national rating record up to 1834.15. (If you want to watch Michel playing live: just mark Friday evening December 18 at Longchamp’s in your calendar for the BIC 2015 final, with live commentary by Walter Meuwis.)

Sabrina Vastapane (Brussels) is just a 5-point match shy of acquiring 100 experience points and entering the main part of the rating list. If she would win that match, she would have a good chance of overtaking Line Vandamme (Brugge) as the highest ranked lady on the rating list.

— JS.

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Walter Meuwis consolidates BMAB Master (Class 3) grading.

The following was posted by Rick Janowski on Facebook :BREAKING NEWS: GRANDMASTER AND MASTER TITLE UPGRADES

Thomas Kristensen (Denmark) and Walter Meuwis (Belgium) achieved upgrades to Grandmaster (Class 2) and Master (Class 3) respectively, by virtue of their performances at the EuBGF European Team Championships held in Budapest in September. Thomas achieved an astonishing PR of 2.95 over six 15 point matches (90 EP), achieving an overall aggregate PR and  earns the upgrade from Grandmaster (Class 3) which he held previously. Walter, with his PR of 6.29 achieved from five 15 point matches (70 EP), consolidated his previous provisional Master (Class 3) grading.

Walter (r) receives trophy for BIC 2014 Champion from Guy (l).

Walter (r) receives trophy for BIC 2014 Champion from Guy (l).

Elsewhere across the Atlantic, in Connecticut, Marty Storer continued his remarkable run of consistency over his streamed matches with a PR of 2.83, giving him an overall aggregate PR of 3.03 and 157 experience points, earning him the title of Grandmaster Class (2) and overall third place in the BMAB International Ranking List, behind Mochy and Michy. If he can maintain this astonishing level of play over the next 4 or 5 matches he should be able to achieve the highest grade of Grandmaster, joining Mochy and Michy and vying for top place in the Rankings!

Note : Michel Lamote (Belgium) currently holds a Master (Class 2) title with a PR of 4,96 (13 matches, EP 143).

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Heerlense [NL] Backgammon Najaars-Open, 21 november 2015

Uit sympathie voor een nieuw backgammon initiatief, vlak over de grens, verspreiden we bij deze gaarne de volgende aankondiging. — JS




Bijgevoegd en hieronder tref je aan de uitnodiging voor het eerste Backgammon Toernooi op 21-11-2015. Je bent hiervoor van harte uitgenodigd.


Anbei die Einladung zum Eersten Backgammon-Turnier in Heerlen (NL) am 21-11-2015. Ich lade dich herzlich dafür ein.

Wim Meijers

Voor de eerste keer in de geschiedenis van Heerlen wordt een Backgammon Toernooi georganiseerd. Iedereen met een hart voor het Backgammon-spel is welkom.

Plaats: Herbergh Bijsmans, Akerstraat 7, 6411 GV Heerlen
Registratie: vanaf 10:45 uur
Toernooi-begin: 11:30 uur
Startgeld: € 15,00

Toernooi-vorm: iedere speler neemt aan 2 toernooien deel.

A. Hoofdtoernooi is een KO-toernooi tot 9 punten met een troost-KO-toernooi (progressive consolation) tot 5 punten, en
B. Toernooi tot 3 punten. Iedere speler speelt tegen elke andere speler. De verliezer krijgt ½ punt.

De startgelden worden als volgt verdeeld: 70% voor de winnaar van het KO-hoofdtoernooi, 20% voor de winnaar van het troost-KO-toernooi en 10% voor de winnaar van het B-toernooi.

Gespeeld wordt volgens de internationaal erkende regels voor BG-toernooien (op wens op voorhand ter beschikking en ter inzage bij aanvang van het toernooi). De toernooi-leider beslist bij onduidelijkheden en geschillen.

Parkeergarage Putgraaf € 2,00 per uur max € 12,50/dag.
Herbergh Bijsmans,, ligt in het centrum van Heerlen in een historisch pand. Zij hebben redelijke prijzen en goede kwaliteit van eten en drank.

Breng jullie BG-boards mee!!

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Rating Update, Nov 1: New rating record and improved event view

In the course of the 3rd Brussels Backgammon Day, Michel Lamote improved his own rating record to 1829.08 points.

The way in which the match list per event is shown has been improved in the sense that, for instance, for the Brussels Friendly tournaments, you can now also see the tournament number.

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Bert becomes Dutch Champion in Den Bosch (NL)

Bert (r) receives the trophy from Jan Kollenbach (l)(foto : M)

Bert (r) receives the trophy from Jan Kollenbach (l) (foto : M)

With four consecutive wins in 11-point matches Bert Van Kerckhove won the Nederlands Kampioenschap.  This result is that more amazing since Bert also won the Rotterdam Super Sunday the previous weekend.  Two tournament wins on Dutch soil in less than 8 days surely is an achievement worth mentioning.  It may well be unprecedented, but as I have no access to the Dutch backgammon archives, I mention this with some caution.

Bert started with a bang by eliminating last year’s Dutch champion Nouri and then had to face the Dutch chess player and commentator Hans Böhm.  The match went to DMP and had a thrilling climax.  Bert was hit in the bear-off and needed some luck to get his checker around the board.  Hans most probably did not execute the containment tactics perfectly, but could nevertheless be considered unfortunate not to be able to close Bert’s straggler out.

Now Bert faced Arthur Braackx in the semi-final.  Arthur is an adventurous money-game player, but knows his way around match-play as well.  Bert, however, was in no mood to hand out presents.  With astonishing resolve (and good dice of course) he steamrolled Arthur off the board in no time.  Arthur was so dazed after this impressive display of power backgammon, that he looked in danger of quitting backgammon altogether and take up knitting.

In the final Bert showed no signs of slowing down.  His opponent was the experienced Dutch player Paul Van Koningshoven, a man of many battles.  Bert courageously took some scary-looking doubles early in the match and was rewarded for this bravery when a couple of well-timed jokers turned the tables.  Whenever Paul got a glimmer of a chance, Bert responded with crushing high-equity rolls which left his opponent numb.  Paul took it in good stride though and was visibly relieved when this ordeal was over.  That left Bert with another prestigious title under his belt, that of Dutch Champion 2015.  Congratulations!

Also worth mentioning is the Consolation win in Group B by Nick De Ruyck (Ghent BC) and the victory of Robin Bilderbeek (Ghent BC) over … me.  Also Archil Katamadze (Ghent BC) was able to string a couple of wins together in Group A.  With four players, the backgammon club of Gent was well represented and certainly left an impression in Den Bosch.






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