General Assembly of June 7, 2024: Minutes

On Friday, June 7, 2024, the General Assembly took place at Royal Orée (Sint-Pieters-Woluwe). The meeting was entitled 2024+, and its main aim was to brainstorm on the future of the federation. Two noteworthy decisions are:

  • Creation of a working group to draft a new organizational chart of the federation.
  • One-shot financial support of 400 euro to the Red Beaver League.

Regarding the first point: once the roles and committees in the new structure will have been defined, there will be quite a number of vacancies to be filled. We count on you!

A full account of the discussions, conclusions and actions points is given in the minutes (NL: verslag; FR: procès-verbal) of the meeting. Read more in the following pdf file:

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