2024+ meeting, Friday June 7, 19h30, at Royal Orée

Dear backgammon friend, member,

Since nearly a decade, has been the governing body for all backgammon activities in Belgium, from a legal nonprofit organization with statutes to a de facto association.

  • is member of the World Backgammon Federation, sending national teams, the Red Beavers, to international championships, with Johan Huyck as our national team coach
  • Johan Segers manages a dynamic website with a.o. a rating list
  • Michel Lamote introduced the Red Beaver League
  • Hubert Verstraeten started the WBIF online national championship
  • we organize club-, team- and individual championships (4 Cubes, Belgian Individual Championship)
  • each club has a representative volunteer (Chantal Lensen for Brussels, Bert Van Kerckhove for Ghent, Line Vandamme for Bruges, and Henri Pollet for Leuven) and captain(s)

I’ve surely forgotten some names but thanks all of you for what has been done during the last ten years.

In the beginning, when legal issues were a concern, activities were structured into commissions (BIC, treasury, 4 Cubes, rating, …). With the Covid pandemic, however, these governing bodies have been diluted. However, it’s unfair and ineffective to put all decisions on the shoulders of a few specific members.

The latest meeting took place in September 2022. With nearly 100 individual members, it’s about time to meet again. We need more organizational structure, fresh blood and new ideas. And we count on you !

To brainstorm about our future (administration control, website, championships, online, etc…), an evening together is a priority, some sort of General Assembly. I propose Friday the 7th of June at Royal Orée (Drève des Brûlés 59, 1150 Brussels) at 19.30 hours. Sandwiches will be provided but, please, tell us your highly appreciated presence or pitiful absence.

Possibility to play some friendly encounters afterwards.

Keep on rolling, for, Guy Van Middelem

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