1st Lille Backgammon tournament: France, Belgium, and a bit of the Netherlands

Participants of the 1st Lille Backgammon Tournament, on Sunday May 19, 2024.

Podium of the 1st Lille Backgammon Tournament on Sunday, May 19, 2024 (23 participants):

  1. Nick De Ruyck (5/5)
  2. Bernard Bailleul (4/5)
  3. Kristoffer De Weert (4/5)

Report by Inge Van den Dorpel:

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, a backgammon tournament took place in Lille, to which the Belgian players were kindly invited by their French friends. The Belgian players were present in large numbers: Guy, Johan B., Nick, Kristoffer and his dad Albert, Chantal and Vincent, Csaba, Daniel an myself, Inge.

The Belgians even won some prizes. Nick won all five matches and came in first. Kristoffer was third and Johan was fourth. They also won a nice prize.

Our French friends will be numerous at the Belgian Individual Championship which takes place on June 15-16 at Royal Orée in Sint-Pieters-Woluwe (Brussels).

Report by organizer Catherine Bogaert:

Chères amies et amis 🙂 

Quelle belle journée nous avons passé ensemble ! Fred et moi vous remercions toutes et tous d’avoir fait le déplacement jusqu’à notre QG lillois pour la première édition de notre tournoi qui, nous l’espérons, deviendra un rendez-vous annuel.

Voici le lien vers le tableau des matchs et le classement final : https://challonge.com/fr/ffdrwbqf

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