4 Cubes 2023: Triumph Against the Odds

In the wake of their thrilling semi-final victory against Leuven in Spring, the Brussels team, led by captain Guy Van Middelem and featuring Kristoffer De Weert, Ithzak Solsky, Paul van Dijke, and Paulus van Rooijen, had their sights set on redemption. They were determined to avenge their heartbreaking loss in the previous year’s final against Ghent and secure their club’s first-ever championship trophy.

However, their opponents from Ghent, led by captain Geert Van der Stricht and comprising Robin Bilderbeek, Johan Huyck, Marc van Damme, and Bert Van Kerckhove, were no pushovers. With most of them representing our national BGFed.be Red Beavers team, they were the heavy favorites.

The duel took place on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, in the beautiful Sandeman clubhouse in Ghent. The tone was set in the initial round of the duel, where Brussels found themselves trailing 4-1 in a race to 8 points. At this point, it appeared as though a one-sided contest was on the horizon, with the prospect of a quick exit back home looming over Brussels. But in true Brussels fashion, their indomitable fighting spirit kicked in, and they managed to level the score at 5-5 after the second round.

The pivotal decider round, Round 3, would determine the fate of the championship. Guy and Paul secured relatively comfortable victories, yielding a Brussels advantage of 5-7, with only one point needed. However, Paulus and Ithzak faced tough opposition, resulting in a 7-7 draw. The fate of the championship came down to the clash between Kristoffer and Bert.

For a moment, the outlook appeared uncertain for Brussels, but momentum swung in their favor at just the right time. Kristoffer, battling the clock, fought valiantly and clinched the match with a 7-4 score. With a hard-fought 7-8 victory, Brussels seized the coveted trophy, and the celebrations during the after-party lasted well into the night.

The 4 Cubes 2023 final team from Brussels proudly showing the 4 trophy after their victory in the Sandeman in Ghent: Kristoffer, Ithzak, Paulus, Guy and Paul. (Photo GVdS)

We invite you to join us for the presentation of the 4 Cubes at the weekly Brussels evening, hosted at the ‘Black Beard’ (Lakensestraat 166 Rue de Laeken, 1000 Brussels) on Thursday, November 2nd, at approximately 6:15 PM. We look forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards,

Guy Van Middelem

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