Gent Open Backgammon XVIII

Dear Backgammon friends,

It is with great pleasure that I can invite you to the 18th edition of the Gent Open backgammon tournament on Saturday, March 22, 2025, in the K.A. Club Union Sandeman, Kantienberg 5, 9000 Gent. For details see the flyer.

Included will be, as always, ‘koffiekoeken’ at your arrival and a hot meal after the second or third round.

Important:  please register beforehand as the number of participants is limited to 44 and also in order to provide the correct amount of catering.

To register, just write to

Kind regards,

Bert Van Kerckhove

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A list of live backgammon events in Belgium (tournaments, club evenings) is collected in the calendar.

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WBIF Belgian Championship 2025

The World Backgammon Internet Federation’s National Championship of Belgium 2025 starts on February 4, 2025. Participation is open to all members.

To take part, you will need a WBIF account, which is free of charge. Go to “Sign in for a Tourneys”, where you will find the “sign-in” registration.

Games are played on Heroes, which is also free of charge.

Tournament director is Hubert Verstraeten ( Please contact Hubert if you intend to participate.

The tournament format is described in the full announcement.

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Sonja Custers wins Leuven Club Championship 2024

Podium of the Club Championship 2024 of the Backgammon Leuven: Toon Van Herreweghen (3rd), Sonja Custers (1st), and Dan Pascu (2nd).

After three seasons and nine Leuven Monthly tournaments, four players had qualified for the knock-out stage of the Leuven Club Championship 2024, played on December 15 in Sport & Squash Club De Vaart in Wilsele. Two semi-finals and two finals would decide upon the final ranking, all matches to be played to nine points.

Sonja Custers first defeated Toon Van Herreweghen in the semi-final to meet Dan Pascu in the final, who had himself won the other semi-final from Guy Van Middelem. Sonja also won the second match, clinching the title, and thereby depriving Toon from winning the championship for the third time in a row. In the duel for the third place, Toon defeated Guy, securing the last of the traditional cups.

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Dice Distribution – the Silent Storyteller

It’s time to start studying like a master – let’s take a deep dive into the inner workings of Extreme Gammon, our electronic mercenary.

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Brussels Monthly, Sunday, January 5, 2025, at B.Sports

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Brussels Monthly 5 Dec 2024: results

Results of the Brussels Monthly tournament of December 5, 2024, at B.Sports, Berchem-Saint-Agathe:

Brussels Monthly, 5 Dec 2024: organizer Chantal Lensen, winner Hubert Verstraeten, and Raymond
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WBGF World Team Championship 2025: Team Selection Red Beavers

In 2025, the World Team Championship will take place during the 3rd Greek Grand Prix in Kamena Vourla – Greece from April 7th to 9th, 2025, and will be followed by the individual tournament from April 9th  to 13th.

The selection of a team can consist of up to 10 players, but only 5 players need to play a match each round.

All players interested in being part of the Belgium team can send their candidacy to Johan Huyck ( before January 10th, 2025.

Belgium’s selection is based on PR strength and will be announced by January 15th at the latest.

This means that in order to join the national team, PR data must be available for your matches. Relevant PR data can come from the international BMAB rankings or from the national RBL rankings.

— Johan Huyck

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Brussels Backgammon Monthly on Sunday, January 5, 2025

Posted in Announcements | Tagged | Leave a comment membership confirmation and invitation to General Assembly on January 19

[Nederlands: zie beneden. Français: voir ci-dessous]

Dear member,

The aim of this message is two-fold:

  1. To check and confirm your affiliation.
  2. To invite you to our General Assembly on Sunday, January 19, 2025.

1. Your affiliation to

As a member, you currently enjoy a number of benefits, such as a spot on the rating list and the right to participate in tournaments and competitions reserved to members.

If you are interested in staying a member, please complete the following short online form:

2. General Assembly

Hereby we wish to invite you cordially at the General Assembly on Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 11:00 in Sport & Squash Club de Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele. The assembly will be followed at 13:00 by the Leuven Monthly tournament organised by the Backgammon Club Leuven.

At the meeting, we will present ourselves and our project for backgammon in Belgium. An agenda and registration form will be sent later to members who completed the form above.

Kind regards from the (ad interim) team

Johan Segers (coordinator)
Odette Vanhorenbeek (treasurer)
Alf Martijn (communication)
Chantal Lensen (tournament planning)
Sonja Custers (member administration)


[Français: voir ci-dessous]

Beste lid,

Het doel van dit bericht is tweeledig:

  1. Om je aansluiting bij te controleren en te bevestigen.
  2. Om je uit te nodigen op onze Algemene Vergadering op zondag 19 januari 2025.

1. Je aansluiting bij

Als lid geniet je momenteel van een aantal voordelen, zoals een plaats op de ratinglijst en het recht om deel te nemen aan toernooien en competities die voorbehouden zijn aan leden.

Als je geïnteresseerd bent om lid te blijven, gelieve dan het volgende korte online formulier in te vullen:

2. Algemene Vergadering

Hierbij willen we je van harte uitnodigen op de Algemene Vergadering van op zondag 19 januari 2025 om 11:00 uur in Sport & Squash Club de Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele. De vergadering zal om 13:00 gevolgd worden door het Leuven Monthly  toernooi georganiseerd door de Backgammon Club Leuven.

Op de bijeenkomst zullen we onszelf en ons project voor backgammon in België voorstellen. Een agenda en inschrijvingsformulier zullen later verstuurd worden naar de leden die bovenstaand formulier ingevuld hebben.

Vriendelijke groeten van het (ad interim) team

Johan Segers (coördinator)
Odette Vanhorenbeek (penningmeester)
Alf Martijn (communicatie)
Chantal Lensen (toernooiplanning)
Sonja Custers (ledenadministratie)

Chère et cher membre de,

Vous recevez cet e-mail parce que vous êtes affilié à, la fédération belge de backgammon.

L’objectif de ce message est double :

  1. Vérifier et confirmer votre affiliation à
  2. Vous inviter à notre Assemblée Générale du dimanche 19 janvier 2025.

1. Votre affiliation à

En tant que membre, vous bénéficiez actuellement d’un certain nombre d’avantages, tels qu’une place sur la liste de classement et le droit de participer aux tournois et compétitions réservés aux membres.

Si vous souhaitez rester membre, veuillez remplir le court formulaire en ligne suivant :

2. Assemblée générale

Par la présente, nous souhaitons vous inviter cordialement à l’Assemblée Générale de la le dimanche 19 janvier 2025 à 11h00 au Sport & Squash Club de Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele. L’assemblée sera suivie à 13h00 par le Leuven Monthly tournoi organisé par le Backgammon Club Leuven.

Lors de l’assemblée, nous nous présenterons ainsi que notre projet pour le backgammon en Belgique. Un ordre du jour et un formulaire d’inscription seront envoyés ultérieurement aux membres qui ont rempli le formulaire ci-dessus.

Salutations cordiales de la part de l’équipe (ad interim) de

Johan Segers (coordinateur)
Odette Vanhorenbeek (trésorière)
Alf Martijn (communication)
Chantal Lensen (planning)
Sonja Custers (administration des membres)

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