The 40th Swedish Open was played in Stockholm between 30 June and 3 July 2022. The field in the Champions Division contained exactly 100 players, many of whom saw this event as preparation for the upcoming World Championship in Monaco in two weeks’ time. After four days of intense competition, Michel Lamote reached the Grand Final. It turned out to be an exciting 17-point match with numerous spectacular swings. In the end, the Swedish GM Thomas Tenland prevailed 17-12.
The match can be viewed on YouTube on
All in all, a great achievement by Michel, who beat renowned GM’s from the UK (Gaz Owen), Sweden (Sven-Olav Norén, Johan Moazed), and Croatia (Mislav Kovacic) along the way. Congrats to Michel on an unexpected, but great achievement.

Unexpected?? I would rather say: a due winning streak!