7th Leuven Open: Double victory for Brussels; Most accurate play by Brugge

Thank you to everybody for making the 7th Leuven Open (Nov 29, 2015, in de Abdijmolen, Heverlee) such a wonderful day.

Congratulations to the winners of the main tournament:

  1. Johan Brisaert (Brussels)
  2. Robin Bilderbeek (Gent)
  3. Zsolt Tasnadi (Brussels)
  4. Guy Van Middelem (Brugge)

Congratulations also to the Brussels team for winning the Fonske challenge.

Congratulations finally to the laureates of the Vesalius challenge, a Performance Rating (PR) based competition. Most skilfull players were Paul van Dijke, Michel Lamote, and Guy Van Middelem, incidentally or not the three players of the Brugge team, winning the 4 Cubes 2015.

Report, pictures, full results:
http://backgammon-leuven.be/2015/11/29/double-brussels-victory-at-7th-leuven-open/ http://backgammon-leuven.be/2015/12/04/results-vesalius-challenge/

– JS

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Benelux Masters Antwerp postponed – New date and venue to be announced

Paulus van Rooijen, tournament director of the Benelux Masters, asked me to announce that the Benelux Masters, which the past years has taken place the second weekend of January in Antwerp, will be rescheduled to a new date and a new venue — to be announced.

– JS

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Rating update December 6

After playing Brussels Friendly 56 on December 4, Sabrina Vastapana has collected 105 experience points and she enters the main list as the highest-ranked woman – congratulations!

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Bert and Robin wrap up Autumn Series.

In just under 2 months, Bert Van Kerckhove and Robin Bilderbeek completed a series of ten 7-point matches.  They played these matches during the weekly club evening at the Sandeman, the home of Ghent BC.  This series of matches is known as a Master Series and it grants both players a spot on the BMSB GT (Grading Table).  This GT is meant to reflect players’ performances in longer matches – as opposed to the BPR RT (Ranking Table), which also includes matches of shorter length.

Here are the numbers which quantify both players’ performances :

Bert Autumn Series 2015

Bert Autumn Series 2015

Robin Autumn Series 2015

Robin Autumn Series 2015

As was to be expected, Bert outplayed his opponent  by some margin.  It is not illogical that he won 7-3.  However, his overall PR of 7,78 might raise an eyebrow here and there.  The relaxed atmosphere at the Sandeman is of course an extenuating factor, but insiders nevertheless expected a better performance by this experienced player.

Robin has worked hard in previous months to improve his game.  He records almost every match he plays and analyses them attentively.  As we can see from the info above, his checker play is expert.  It is – as for most of us – the cube handling that needs more careful attention.

Below is the updated BMSB GT : (enlarge by double-clicking)

BMSB Grading Table December 2015

BMSB Grading Table December 2015


Other Master Series currently underway :

Winter Series Michel Lamote v Geert Van der Stricht (10 x 15) : 0-3.

Winter Series Geert Van der Stricht v Johan Huyck (10 x 15) : 0-2.

Autumn Series Maurits Pino v Zsolt Tasnadi (8 x 9) : 2-3.

MS1 2016 Walter Meuwis v Ronny Connaert (10 x 15) : … (?)

If you feel like playing a Master Series, send an e-mail to kynos8000@gmail.com.




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Michel shares 1st prize at BMS(UK) event.

Like I said before, I enjoy participating at BMS(UK) events.  Since all matches are recorded, transcribed and analysed by the tournament organiser, you can get a pretty accurate idea of your playing performance without the hassle of having to record and transcribe your matches yourself.  Win or lose, you know  if you played well or badly.

This was my second participation at Castle Donington.  This time, I flew cheaply to Manchester, rented a car for four days and enjoyed the scenery of the Peak District on my way to and from the venue, which is situated just south-west of Nottingham.

The event takes place at the Holiday Inn Express, close to East Midlands Airport.  The hotel is great : it is compact, sound-proof (at least to noise from outside), reasonably cheap (45£ / night),  has friendly staff and serves good food.  Free coffee and water all day through.  Comfortable playing conditions.  Entry fee : 75£.  I especially like the playing schedule which involves no play after dinner.  On Saturday, play starts at 11:30am.  Every player plays three 11-point matches, which takes till about 6 or 7pm.  Then there is dinner and time off.  On Sunday, play starts at 10:30am and again all players play three 11-point matches.  This guarantees a prize awarding ceremony at 6pm at the latest.

All playing and recording equipment is provided by Rick Janowski, the TD and mastermind behind BMAB and BMS events.  So there is no need to bring anything along, except toothpaste and some fresh clothes.

Last time I participated, I won 2/6 (or 3 – who cares), but this time I had a good run with 5/6.  Ok, that’s nice (it takes care of the expenses), but most important are the PRs of course, which will be made public in a week or two.  Last time I felt I under-performed with a PR of 5,3.  I hope I did better this time, but one can never be sure.

Below is a picture and the final leaderboard :

foto BMS(UK)




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Rating update November 29

The 7th Leuven Open was responsible for an unusually large activity in the period Nov 22-29. Marc Steyvers, having good runs both at the Thursday Brugge club evening and the Sunday Leuven Open, achieved the week’s biggest rating increase.

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Belgium Performance Rating: First results available

Check out the following link: Belgium Performance Rating. Congratulations to Paul van Dijke, the highest-ranked player on the list!

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Rating update November 22

The Autumn Series matches have been grouped under the label ‘BMS’. (By the way, the first Winter series has already started: it isn’t that cold yet, is it?)

PS: Almost forgotten to mention that someone has broken the rating record again: 1856.56.

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BIC 2015 final: Michel Lamote vs Luc Palmans on Friday, December 18, 19:00, at Longchamp’s

Everybody welcome to watch this clash between two of Belgium’s finest backgammon players. Michel Lamote and Luc Palmans, who won against Alain Chif in the play-off, will play a series of best-of-three 13-point matches. One match will take place earlier that day, and one or two matches will take place in the evening, starting from 19:00. Venue: the Brasseries du Longchamp, chaussée de Waterloo 836, 1180 Brussels (Uccle), +32 (0)2 375 28 40.

For the evening matches, Walter Meuwis will give live commentary, sharing not only his insights in the game but also in the psychology of the two contenders, whom he knows very well personally.

Insofar technically possible, the moves and cube decisions will be analysed live by computer.

Come and enjoy the show!

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General Assembly of BGFed.be npo on Fri Dec 4, 18:00, at Longchamp

Dear backgammon friend,
Dear member of a BGFed.be backgammon club,

You’re kindly invited to the General Assembly of BGFed.be, the Belgian Backgammon Federation npo, on Friday the 4th of December at 18.00 PM in the ‘Brasserie du Longchamp’, Waterloosesteenweg 836 in Uccle, Brussels.

The General Assembly will be followed at 20.00 PM by the Brussels Friendly 56 tournament.


  1. Welcome drink & word by the President (Guy Van Middelem) : explanation of the formal non-profit organisation, structure : board, member clubs & players, ID.
  2. Report of the Treasurer (Line Vandamme) : balance 2015, budget 2016, fees.
  3. Report of the 2015 4 Cubes committee (Luc Palmans) : project for 2016.
  4. Report of the 2015 BIC committee (Guy Van Middelem) : project for 2016.
  5. Report of the 2015 Selection Committee (Guy Van Middelem) : relation to the EUBGF, European Championships 2015 in Budapest, new 2016 Selection program (Michel Lamote).
  6. Report of the Rating committee (Johan Segers).
  7. Creation of a BMS(BE) committee (Michel Lamote).
  8. Board : Tournament director Luc Palmans remains as President of the 4 Cubes committee but quits as board member (many thanks for your cooperation, Luc). Therefore, BGFed.be is looking for a new board member. Candidates must write before the 1st of December to guy.van.middelem@pandora.be.
  9. Varia : website, plans for a Belgian tournament for the European Tour, others…

Please, send any questions or different points of interest beforehand to guy.van.middelem@pandora.be.

Please note :

  • every individual member of a BGFed.be is invited to the GA (please tell me if you plan to come) ;
  • voting rights are per member (1 vote per club) and per founding member (1 vote per member).

Kind regards & keep on rolling,
— Guy van Middelem (President BGFed.be)

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