Live Backgammon in December

Weekly club evenings

  • Antwerp: every Wednesday evening, 19h, in Spéciale Belge Taproom, Pakt | Régine Beerplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen. Contact: Inge van den Dorpel,
  • Brugge: every Thursday eveningSports bar Extra Time, Nijverheidsstraat 113, 8310 Assebroek. Contact: Line Vandamme,
  • Brussels: every Thursday evening at 18h15, at Café Lutgarde, Chaussée de Waterloo 393, 1050 Ixelles
  • Ghent: every Tuesday evening, at 19h, at Union-Sandeman, Kantienberg 5, 9000 Gent


  • BBBB-Sports Monthly, Sunday, December 8, 2024, from 10:00 AM, at B.SPORTS, 14 rue de la Basilique, Sint Agatha Berchem.
  • Leuven Monthly: Sunday, December 15, from 12:45, at Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele

Looking ahead

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Brussels Backgammon Thursday: New Venue

Brussels Backgammon Thursday on the Move! From November 28th on, we play at:

Café Lutgarde
Chaussée de Waterloo 393
1050 Ixelles

— Chantal Lensen

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Dear Backgammon enthusiasts,

At the general assembly held on June 7, 2024, it was explained that a two-person board, as it has been existing de facto in recent years, has become inadequate to meet the federation’s needs.

Since then, a number of people have been exploring new structures for the federation. Guy Van Middelem has been our figurehead for many years, and with his natural charisma, he was’s leader. When the board became smaller, he remained steadfast. He has flawlessly organized countless competitions, maintained membership lists, managed international contacts… We want to explicitly thank him for founding the federation, his leadership over the past years, and for passing the torch to a team—now five members strong—that will continue his work.

The search for new structures, initiated in June, has ultimately led to a team of five backgammon players familiar with the federation: Johan S., Sonja, Odette, Alf, and Chantal.

As an interim team, we have the following mission for the coming two months:

  • to complete the formalities related to a non-profit association;
  • to develop a plan to further shape the federation.

At the general assembly on January 19, 2025, at 11:00 am, in Sport & Squash club de Vaart in Leuven (Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele), we will present the plan to all members, with a vote on whether to continue with this interim team.

All players who are member are therefore warmly invited to this general assembly. Please mark January 19 in your calendars – a formal invitation will follow.

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Live Backgammon in November

Club events

  • Antwerp: every Wednesday evening, starting on October 16, 19h, in Spéciale Belge Taproom, Pakt | Régine Beerplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen. Contact: Inge van den Dorpel,
  • Brugge: every Thursday eveningSports bar Extra Time, Nijverheidsstraat 113, 8310 Assebroek. Contact: Line Vandamme,
  • Brussels: every Thursday evening at 18h15, at The Black Beard — La Barbe Noire, Lakensestraat 166 Rue de Laeken, Brussels 1000
  • Ghent: every Tuesday evening, at 19h, at Union-Sandeman, Kantienberg 5, 9000 Gent
  • Leuven: Sunday, Nov 17, Dec 15, from 12:45, at Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele


Leuven Backgammon Open XV, Sunday, November 10, 2024Squash Club De Vaart, Wilsele.

Looking ahead

  • BBBB-Sports Monthly, Sunday, December 8, 2024, at B.SPORTS, 14 rue de la Basilique, Sint Agatha Berchem.
  • Vlissingen Masters, Saturday and Sunday 11–12 January, 2025, in Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Arion, Vlissingen.
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4 Cubes 2024 Gent vs BBBB

On Tuesday 22nd October, eight backgammon players battled it out over twelve matches. Four players from Gent against four from Brussel Black Beard Backgammon (BBBB), each playing three rounds to 7 points. Location: Union Sandeman, home of the Gent Backgammon club. At stake: to gain the opportunity to challenge the current 4 Cubes holder, Brussels.

From Gent, Geert, Bert, Firat and Alf were summoned to face off Maurits, Daniel, Vincent and Hubert from BBBB.

The Brussel Black Beard Backgammon team went off for a good start, winning 3 out of 4 matches. Only captain Bert managed to eke out a double match point (DMP) win against Daniel.

Round two was for Gent, 3-1, with only Maurits managing a win over Alf. So it became 4-4 and everything remained to be played for in the third and final round.

Focused players from Gent and Brussels Black Beard Backgammon during the 4 Cubes duel on Tuesday October 22, 2024, at the K.A. Union Sandeman, Gent.

Geert and Bert finished their matches first, both winning. Then Maurits mistakenly forgot to hit Firat’s checker while entering from the bar but realized it only after he pressed his clock—it was a legal move without hitting. At DMP this proved fatal and Firat took the win and the 7th victory point for Gent! Daniel won his match but this was not enough to keep Gent from winning from BBBB with a narrow 7-5.

Now Gent is in the position to challenge Brussels to regain the 4 Cubes trophy after a year of absence from its usual location 😉

To be continued…

— Bert Van Kerckhove


Round 1
Geert Van der StrichtMaurits Pino01
Bert Van KerckhoveDaniel Rozenberg10
Firat TekilVincent Hubert01
Alf MartijnHubert Verstraeten01
Round 2
Geert Van der StrichtDaniel Rozenberg10
Bert Van KerckhoveVincent Hubert10
Firat TekilHubert Verstraeten10
Alf MartijnMaurits Pino01
Round 3
Geert Van der StrichtVincent Hubert10
Bert Van KerckhoveHubert Verstraeten10
Firat TekilMaurits Pino10
Alf MartijnDaniel Rozenberg01

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BBBB-Sports Monthly

Hello everybody,

Recently, I’ve been approached by a number of players with requests to organize a monthly tournament in Brussels.

The Black Beards are now launching BBBB-Sports Monthly as we’ve found a fabulous, accessible and bucolic place to play, with a terrace open in fine weather.

Sunday December 8, 2024 will be our kick-off tournament at B.SPORTS! Address: 14 avenue de la Basilique, Sint Agatha Berchem.

Reserve your place now so that we can book the right room. You can send me an e-mail at


The B.SPORTS club will welcome us once a month. This sports complex formerly belonged to the National Bank of Belgium and is located in Brussels near the ring and the highway exit from Oostende. The kitchen offers a full range of catering options at all times.

  • by bar: B.SPORTS is located at 14 avenue de la Basilique, Sint Agatha Berchem. You can easily park your car.
  • It’s also easy to reach by public transport: Trams 9 and 82, bus 20, Berchem Ste Agathe station, etc.

Format and schedule

We’ll play 5 rounds of 7 points. Pairings will be based on the Swiss system.

  • From 9 a.m.: Welcome. The bar will be open at 8.30 a.m., so you can enjoy a coffee as soon as you arrive.
  • Round 1: 10am
  • Round 2: 11:45 a.m.
  • Round 3: 1:30pm
  • Round 4: 3:15pm
  • Round 5: 5:00 pm


Reservations are mandatory: please send an e-mail to

Price for the day: €10 to be paid on site (+ membership fee for the Belgian Backgammon Federation for non-members).

In 2025, we’ll be playing on the first Sunday of every month. I’ll send out invitations the month before.

I hope to see many of you there.

Kind regards

— Chantal

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Marc Van Damme wins PR prize in Aachen

Twenty ambitious players showed up in Aachen to compete in a BMAB tournament. In these kinds of tournaments, all matches are recorded and transcribed by the organization and the players’ performance ratings (PRs) are tabulated to designate a specific title, such as Grandmaster (GM), Master, Expert, etc.

Belgium’s most proficient player and top Red Beaver, Marc Van Damme, stunned the global backgammon community with a stellar overall performance rating (OPR) of 3,51 (nine 9-point matches). This won him the PR prize, leaving a couple of certified GM’s slightly bemused. Marc is now edging closer and closer to a GM title.

Geert Van der Stricht also started off very well with a handful of SGM (= Super GM) PR’s, but sadly he could not sustain this high level of play ending with an OPR of 4,32 (4th place). Still a very solid performance by our undisputed number two.

Johan Huyck also excelled. He strung together 7 victories winning this tournament for the second time in a row. A remarkable back-to-back triumph embellished by a confidence-boosting 4,96 OPR.

Johan Huyck and Marc Van Damme, champion and PR champion, respectively, of the BMAB backgammon tournament in Aachen, Germany, October 2024

My personal performance pales in comparison. Although I shared second prize with Geert and two others (6/9) I could not be happy with a mediocre 5,56 OPR.

All-in all, this was a well-run tournament in a comfortable venue. Snacks and drinks were offered at player-friendly prices and the atmosphere was cordial and relaxed. The star of the show was Marc Van Damme, whose performance cannot have escaped the attention of the world’s established GM’s.

— Michel Lamote

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Books and Bosses at Brussels Friendly 103

At the classy venue of the bridge rooms in the Royal Orée in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, 41 backgammon players from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries gathered on a chilly but sunny Sunday morning for the Brussels Friendly 103 backgammon tournament. Energized by coffee, cake, and a cold or hot lunch served by the friendly staff at Orée, the players competed in a five-round Swiss tournament, with matches to 7 points. Main organiser Chantal Lensen and her team ensured that everybody felt welcome and that the tournament went smoothly and in good style.

Special guest was the German professional player Dirk Schiemann, author of “The Theory of Backgammon” and “To Hit or Not To Hit”. The latter book was also the prize for the winner of the tournament.

Final ranking after five rounds of the Brussels Friendly 103 backgammon tournament on Sunday, October 6, 2024, in Royal Orée, Woluwe-Saint-Pierre

After four rounds, Kristoffer De Weert and Inge van den Dorpel were the only players left with four victories, and so they battled for the tournament victory in a direct confrontation. Kristoffer emerged as winner, confirming the high ranking he has been able to maintain in the Belgian rating list for many consecutive years. Congratulations also to Inge, who started playing tournaments less than a year ago and who’s seeing her study efforts pay off.

Happy faces at the end of the Brussels Friendly 103 backgammon tournament. From left to right: Chantal Lensen (organiser), Dirk Schiemann, backgammon professional and author of “To Hit or Not To Hit”, the first prize proudly shown by the winner, Kristoffer De Weert

A big thanks to Chantal, Daniel, Guy, Hubert and Vincent for the wonderful event!

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Live Backgammon in October

Club events

  • Antwerp: every Wednesday evening, starting on October 16, 19h, in Spéciale Belge Taproom, Pakt | Régine Beerplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen. Contact: Inge van den Dorpel,
  • Brugge: every Thursday eveningSports bar Extra Time, Nijverheidsstraat 113, 8310 Assebroek. Contact: Line Vandamme,
  • Brussels: every Thursday evening at 18h15, at The Black Beard — La Barbe Noire, Lakensestraat 166 Rue de Laeken, Brussels 1000
  • Ghent: every Tuesday evening, at 19h, at Union-Sandeman, Kantienberg 5, 9000 Gent
  • Leuven: Sunday, Sep 15, Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 15, from 12:45, at Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele


Brussels Friendly 103, Sunday, October 6, 2024, in Royal Orée, Sint-Pieters-Woluwe.

Looking ahead

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4 Cubes 2024: Black Beard BG Brussels beats Leuven

In 2024, four teams compete for the 4 Cubes 2024 trophy: Brussels (champion 2023, captain Guy Van Middelem), Gent (captain: Bert Van Kerckhove), Leuven (captain: Johan Segers), and Black Beard BG Brussels, aka BBBB (captain: Daniel Rozenberg).

On Sunday, September 22, today, the duel between Leuven and BBBB took place in Sport & Squash Club De Vaart (Wilsele). Each team fielded 4 players. Three rounds of in total twelve 7-point matches were to decide which team would qualify for the duel against Gent, runner-up of 2023. In case of a 6-6 draw, a 5-point team consultation match would serve to break the tie.

Toon Van Herreweghen (Leuven) vs Daniel Rozenberg (captain of Black Beard BG Brussels) playing in Sport & Squash Club De Vaart (Wilsele) at the occasion of the 4 Cubes 2024,’s interclub competition.

After round 1, BBBB took the lead, 3-1. In rounds 2 and 3, Leuven fought hard to catch up, but to no avail, BBBB drawing each of the two rounds 2-2. Leuven vs BBBB ended therefore at 5-7, BBBB winning the confrontation. Congratulations!

The next step in the 4 Cubes 2024 competition is the duel between Gent, with home advantage, vs BBBB. At stake: a chance to challenge the 2023 champion, Brussels. Good luck to all and may the best team win!

LeuvenBlack Beard BG Brussels
Round 1
Michel LamoteDaniel Rozenberg01
Johan SegersVincent Hubert01
Toon Van HerreweghenHubert Verstraeten01
Luc PalmansChantal Lensen10
Round 2
Michel LamoteVincent Hubert01
Johan SegersDaniel Rozenberg01
Toon Van HerreweghenChantal Lensen10
Luc PalmansHubert Verstraeten10
Round 3
Michel LamoteHubert Verstraeten01
Toon Van HerreweghenDaniel Rozenberg10
Johan SegersChantal Lensen10
Luc PalmansVincent Hubert01
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