Registration 4 Cubes 2024 by June 30

As decided on’s General Assembly of Friday, June 7, teams that wish to register for the 4 Cubes 2024 team competition are requested to register via the following online form:

Registration deadline: June 30, 2024. Registration fee: 25 euro per team.

  • Each team consists of 5 to 8 players.
  • All players need to come from the same club affiliated to
  • One player acts as captain.
  • A club can send multiple teams, but each player can only join a single team.
  • In the likely event that the competition will consist of three rounds, the calendar is as follows: Round 1 to be played by September 30; Round 2 by November 30; Round 3 by January 31, 2025. Teams commit themselves to respect these deadlines and to exhibit sufficient flexibility in finding a date and location.
  • A duel between two teams will consist of three rounds of four 7-point matches, giving 12 matches in total. In case of a 6-6 draw, a 5-point team consultation match will decide the outcome.
  • The exact tournament format will be decided once the teams are known, taking into account the results of 4 Cubes 2023 (champion: Brussels; finalist: Ghent; semi-finalist: Leuven).

Questions about the registration form: Johan Segers. Tournament director: Guy Van Middelem.

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