Dear backgammon friends and/or Backgammon Club Brussels members,
Brussels Friendly 98 was played on Friday the 6th of March 2020, with 14 participants and the win for Dan Pascu with 4 victories. Congratulations !

We welcomed one new member : Catherine Bogaert (from Lille, France) and wish her all the successes she deserves. She recently won a beautiful Hector Saxe backgammon board in a national tournament in Paris, wow !
Kristoffer De Weert, Luc Palmans & (again, in February too) Vincent Hubert follow with 3 victories.
Please, take a look at the March standings (pdf), after 3 rounds of the Brussels Friendly 2020 Championship ; note the performances from Liliane Baptista (2x), Catherine, Chantal Lensen & Sabrina Vastapane.
Next round : Brussels Friendly 99, on the 3rd of April.
Ghent organises his annual Open on Saturday the 21st of March.
Leuven organises his BG Leuven Monthly on Sunday the 22nd of March at 13.45 hours in ‘de Vaart’.
Save the date : BF 100 on Friday the 1st of May at 09.30 hours (breakfast & lunch included in the 25,- € registration fee). 9 rounds of 5-point matches. Already registered : Almira Bucan, Catherine Bogaert, Theo Sarmanidis, Guy Van Middelem.
Keep on rolling, kind regards, — Guy