Migration to a different provider caused website to be down for a day

As some of you have noticed, the website has been down for a bit over a day, from Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and I thank you for your patience.

This downtime occurred when migrating the website to a different, cheaper web provider, from GoDaddy to One.com. Transferring the website was technically more involved than I thought: not only did it require transferring the domain name, it also meant transferring all the files from one host to the other with ftp, exporting and importing the database associated to the website, and manually edit a certain php file to connect the database to the website.

With the help of the friendly and helpful support staff from both providers, the transfer and reconfiguration was eventually brought to an end successfully. I’ve learned my lesson now and I promise to be more careful in the future.

Thank you for following bgfed.be. Let’s focus on backgammon again.

— JS

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