
Match results between BGFed.be members count for the national rating list.

The rating system is a flavour of the famous Elo system used in chess. The details of the calculations are explained in the article Ratings on Backgammon Galore. Contrary to that description, the BGFed.be rating does not use a ramp-up. The initial rating of a new player is equal to 1500.

The experience of a player is equal to the sum of the lengths of the matches registered for that player. Players with less than 100 experience are ranked alphabetically in a provisional ranking. Players with 100 or more experience are ranked according to their rating in the main body of the list.

The ratings are updated each weekend. Each update takes into account the results of matches played up to and including the Sunday of the previous weekend. In practice, this means that there could be up to a two-week lag between the ratings and the current calendar date.

Match results are recorded in the rating list by the club responsibles or tournament directors. The rating list is maintained by Johan Segers (bgfed.be@gmail.com).