Red Beaver League Final: All to Play for in the Last Session

In the RBL 2024 Final between Geert Van der Stricht and Marc Van Damme the score after the second session, played on Tuesday May 7 in the Union Sandeman in Ghent, is 6-6.

Being 2-4 down after the first three matches in the first session (report), Marc had to come up with something special …, and he did. Although he lost Match 4 narrowly (6-7) his Performance Rating of 2,96 (!) made sure the score gap remained the same as Geert paid a heavy equity price for some less than accurate cube decisions: 3-5.

Match 5 was riddled with complicated positions and found its apotheosis in Game 5 (5-away 3-away): Geert made a fatal cube decision by taking a Too Good position and Marc showed no mercy. He scored two points and leveled the duel: 5-5.

Geert did not crumble though. He showed enormous drive in Match 6 where he stood his ground under pressure. He lost 7-1, but meticulous play and a PR of 1,84 (!) resulted in a 6-6 score.

In this second session, Marc closed the gap and overturned his Overall PR deficit. He now has the momentum and a slight, but significant OPR advantage going into the third and final session: 3,63 (Marc) vs 4,23 (Geert).

No reason for Marc to be exultant as yet. He has the wind in his sails, but Geert’s intense focus may be hard to match. All to play for in the final session…

Coverage of this second session in the form of Rain’s videos will be made available in a week or two. Make sure to watch every move and cube decision as Robin walks and talks you through the action.

Michel Lamote (RBL tournament director)

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